A Partner Manager is an Internal User who's assigned to an Active Partner Organization as a Manager. Partner Managers have access to the Partner's profile data, Contacts, Agreements, Email Domains, and History. There's also a special set of Partner Manager Group permissions and email notifications for Leads, Deals, MDF, and Business Plans that allow Users to only view, manage, and receive notifications related to the Partners they are assigned to as Managers.

What is a Primary Partner Manager?

While you have the option to assign multiple Managers to a Partner Organization, only one of the Managers can be marked as the Primary Partner Manager. Marking one Manager as the Primary Partner Manager gives you the ability to notify them about events that other Managers aren't notified about for Deals, Leads, MDF, Business Planning, and Training & Certification.  

When assigning Managers to Partners in bulk using the instructions listed in the next section, you can select the "Make Primary Manager" checkbox to set the User as the Primary Partner Manager. 

Primary Partner Manager Assignment (bulk)

How do I assign an Internal User to a Partner Organization as a Manager?

You can assign  Users to Active Partner Organizations by going to the "Partner Management" module in the left navigation menu > Partners. 

From the Partners lister page, you'll select the checkboxes next to the Partners you want to assign a Manager to > Actions > Add Manager. 

Select the name of the User you wish to assign to the selected Partner Organizations as a Manager > Save. 

Note: You can make the User the Primary Partner Manager by selecting the "Make Primary Manager" checkbox.  

In addition to adding Managers to Partner Organizations, the "Actions" menu on the Partners lister page also includes the ability to: 

  • Replace Partner Managers - allows you to change/replace the Managers that are currently assigned to the selected records.
  • Remove Manager - allows you to remove Managers from the selected records.

Replace/Remove Partner Managers - Bulk

Other Methods for Updating Partner Manager Assignments:


You can also view and manage Partner Manager assignments using the following methods: 

  • From the Partner's Details page, select the "Managers" tab on the left side panel and click the "Add Manager" button to add a Manager, or select the checkbox next to an existing Manager > Remove to remove an existing Manager. You can also select the "Make Primary" button next to the name of the Manager you wish to make the Primary Partner Manager. 

Partner Details Page - Managers

  • You can use the "Partner Managers" field to assign and remove Managers when creating a new or updating an existing Active Partner Organization. You can also flag one of the Users as the Primary Partner Manager by selecting the checkbox next to the User's name.

Partner Details - Edit Screen

Can a User be assigned to more than one Partner Organization as a Manager? 

Yes, Users can be assigned to more than one Partner Organization as Manager, but only one can be flagged as the Primary Manager.

How can I view the Managers assigned to all Partner Organizations?

You can view all of the Users assigned to Partners as Managers by going to "Partner Management" in the left navigation menu > Managers. 

On the Managers lister page, you can see a comprehensive list of all Partner Managers and the Partner Organizations they are assigned to.

Managers Lister Page 

You can also update Partner Manager assignments from the Managers lister page which allows for designating Users as Primary Partner Managers and assigning or removing Users from Partner Organizations as Managers.

Simply select the checkboxes next to the name of the User(s) > Actions to complete any of the following updates to Partner Manager assignments: 

  • Make Primary - gives you the ability to mark the selected User as the Primary Partner Manager of the Organization(s) they are assigned to in the Partner Name column on the right. 
  • Remove Manager Assignment - gives you the ability to remove the selected User(s) from the Organization(s) they are assigned to in the Partner Name column on the right.  
  • Add Selected Manager to Partners - gives you the ability to add the selected User(s) to another Partner Organization as Manager. 
  • Remove Selected Managers from Partner - gives you the ability to remove the selected User(s) from any Partner Organization they are assigned to as Manager. 

Managers Lister Page

Can Managers be assigned to Prospective Partner Organizations?

No. Partner Managers can only be assigned to Active Partner Organizations. If you try to assign an Internal User to a Prospective Partner, you will receive the error message below. 

How do I control who appears in the Partner Managers Widget?

The Partner Managers Widget displays a contact list of all the Partner Managers assigned to Partner Organizations. Learn how to manage/configure the Widget here.

Related Documentation: