Having a simple and easily understood navigation system as part of the overall design of the portal is key. The Icons Widget allows you to add Icons to your home and custom pages to provide Users with quick access to the tools and resources they need most.  

To configure the Icons Widget, follow the instructions listed below:

  1. Logged in as an Administrator, go to your home page and click the Actions button> Layout Editor, then type "Icons" into the search box of the "Add Widgets" sidebar on the right (see Tutorial on Custom Pages).
  2. Drag the Icons Widget onto the screen and place it in the desired location. 
  3. The Icons Widget configuration window will appear (see screenshot below). 
  4. Enter the title and description. If you don't want the title and description to be visible, uncheck the show title & description checkbox. 
  5. Three Icons are pre-loaded into the system: Link 1, Link 2 and Link 3. Click the "Actions" buttons next to the titles of the Icons to edit and/or remove the Icons.

    Note: You can have a maximum of 6 icons per Widget. 
  6. Enter a title and/or description of the icon, as well as replace the current image with an image of your choice. 

  7. To upload an image, click the "Replace" link > Choose Image > select an icon or upload your own image by clicking the "New Image" button. 
  8. Once you've added your Icon, click the "Destination" dropdown field and select the area in the portal you want the Icon to go to. 

  9. You'll then scroll down the page to set Permissions for the Icon.  Doing so gives you the ability to determine which Users will see the Icon within the Widget.  (See the Permissions & Visibility section below and this article for more details.)

  10. When you are finished, click "Done" and repeat the same process listed above to configure the other icons within the Widget.  
  11.  After configuring and assigning permissions to each Icon, you'll then set Permissions for the Widget itself. (See the Permissions & Visibility section below and this article for more details.) 
  12. Click Save to save your changes. 

Permissions & Visibility:


Note: For more information on Permissions & Visibility, check out: How do I set Partner Portal Content Access & Permissions?.

The Icons Widget allows you to set permissions for the Widget itself and each Icon in the Widget. Doing so allows you to specify the Users that will see the Widget on the page and the Icons they'll see within the Widget. Permission options include the following:

  • Everyone: The Widget will be visible to everyone. As for the Icons, Users will only see Icons linked to destinations that Users have access to based on their Group permissions.  For example, if an Icon is linked to the MDF module, then only Users with access to the MDF module in their Group permissions will see the Icon in the Widget. 
  • Selected Groups:  The Widget is only visible to the Users in the selected Groups. As for the Icons, only Users in the selected Groups with access to the Icon's linked destination will see the Icon in the Widget. 
  • Smart Permissions: Only Users who meet the criteria you specify will see the Widget. As for the icons, only Users who meet the criteria you specify for the Icon and have access to the Icon's linked destination will see the Icon in the Widget.  Learn more about Smart Permissions here.
  • No One (hide this Icon from regular Users): The Icon will only be visible to Admin Users and Internal Users with Widget Content Administration access to Custom Pages.
  • No One (hide this Icons Widget from regular Users): The Widget itself will only be visible to Admin Users and Internal Users with Widget Content Administration access to Custom Pages.

Based on your selections, the system will display the total number of Users who will see the Widget on the home page and the number of Users who will see the Icon within the Widget.

Widget Permissions & Visibility 

Icon Permissions & Visibility 


What are the image requirements for Icons?

The image should be saved as GIF, PNG, JPG or JPEG and be at least 240px high and 192px wide.

How do I reorder the Icons?

Click the Reorder button to reorder the icons.