When creating a new Group that includes the "Library Access" permission, the Users in that Group will have access to Library content that's been made visible to "Everyone."  

Library - File Edit Page

However, the Users will not have access to content that has been permissioned using Groups. While you could edit each Document to select the new Group in the Permissions & Visibility section of the Document (see below), there's a much easier and faster way to assign permissions to Library content using the Document Report

Library- File Edit Page

The Document Report gives you the ability to assign permissions to multiple files at once. The Report includes all Files/Documents within a Library and allows for bulk permission assignment, which is particularly useful when creating a new Group with Library access.

Document Report 

Below, are step-by-step instructions on how to assign permissions to content in bulk using the Document Report. For instructions on how to assign permissions in bulk to Library Content and other entities, such as Co-Branded Assets, News Items, and more, check out the Permissions Report.  

Step 1: Go to the Library 

Hover your mouse over the top section/header and click the ellipsis icon in the top right > Reports. 

Step 2: Go To The Document Report

Select the "Document Report" from the list of available Library Reports. 

Switch the layout to the "Table Layout" to view the Documents in a list format (see Table Layout in Step 3). 

Document Report - Large Tile View

Step 3: Select Documents To Change Permissions > Actions

You can select the top checkbox to select all the items on the page. You'll then use the "Actions" button to do one of the following: 

  • Replace Group Permissions - allows you to REPLACE the current Groups assigned to the selected records with a new set of Groups. 
  • Add Group Access - allows you to ADD additional Groups to the selected records.

Document Report - Table View 

Step 4: Set Permissions & Visibility 

If REPLACING Permissions, the system will prompt you to select one of the following radio buttons: 

  • Everyone: All Users assigned to Groups with "Library Access" will have access to the file. 
  • Selected Groups: Only Users in the selected Groups will have access to the file. (Gives you the ability to select the Groups that you want to have access to the file.)
  • No One (hide these Files from regular Users): The file will only be visible to Admin Users and Internal Users with "Document Administration" access to the Library.

Note: Learn more about Permissions & Visibility here

Replace Group Permissions Screen

If ADDING Group access, the system will prompt you to select a Group from the dropdown menu. 

Add Group Permissions Screen


What if I have more than one Library? 

If you have more than one Library, you'll repeat the above process in each Library.


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